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供稿人:  时间:2020-12-30  次数:

1.International students may participate in work-study activities while studying in HPUbut they may not obtain employment, business or other business activities. If you work illegally out of campus, you will have to be liable for all possible serious consequences by yourself.


2.If you hold an "X" visa to enter China you must apply to  Entry-Exit Administration Section of Jiaozuo Public Security Bureau to transact the "Foreigner Residence Card" within 30 days from the day you enter China, and hand in the relevant formalities: passport original production and hard copy, 2 two-inch photos and the fees. Any student who fails to obtain this required Residency Permit within the allotted time will be subject to fines and penalties in accordance to the law.


3. International students applying for the residence permit must complete the following formalities

A. Hand in your passport, visa and the attestations related to the residence main content.

B. Fill in a residence application form.

C. Hand in the health certificate and 2 two-inch photos.





4. If the content of the residence card has been altered, students must come to the Entry-Exit Administration Section of Jiaozuo Public Security Bureau to transact the alteration formalities within 10 days.


5. The international students who want to continue the study in another university out of Jiaozuo should go to the Entry-Exit Administration Section of the Public Security Bureau of Jiaozuo to go through the formalities of moving out. On arrival at the other city, the students must go to the corresponding department within 10 days to go through the formalities of moving in.


6. If the students want to exit China temporarily during the period of study, they must go through the formalities of entry again before the exit. If the students want to continue study in China or just stay in China after the expiration of visa or residence permit, they must go through the formalities of postponing 1 month before the expiration date.


7. After graduation, completing courses or expelled out of Henan Polytechnic University, the international students must exit China during the regulated time. The Entry-Exit Administration Section of the Public Security Bureau of Jiaozuo will be immediately informed with the information of students who are expelled from the university, and will take over the residence permit or shorten the period of stay in China.


8. International students must take the residence permits or passports with themselves for the check by the police at any time.


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